

Artists practice Nehemia’s Mitzvah Technique to refine their body performance

•  Realigns and rebalances the body resulting in positive postural changes.
•  Builds confidence and a sense of well being through chest expansion and back widening.
•  Increases body awareness, expands range of motion, postural expression possibilities for character development, movement quality, flexibility and control.
•  Releases tension build ups to de-stress before, during and after performance and rehearsals.
•  Learn techniques for use on set, prior, during and post performance.
•  Helps to overcome rehearsal, performance and travel fatigue; prevents/eliminates post performance body stress, fatigue and pain.
•  Helps musicians, singers, actors, dancers and performers achieve deeper breathing and better tone quality; improved breath, voice and vocal strength, tone and range.
•  Helps musicians to manage their instruments more efficiently and effectively improving ability to achieve tonal quality through postural alignment and strength.
•  Helps visual artists, media and writers to de-stress, use healthy body mechanics and realign themselves during artistic activities.

Susan Green’s application of the Mitzvah Technique to modern dance performance and choreography:
“I used the Mitzvah (Mechanism) Technique as a dance professional during choreography, performance, classes and teaching. It helped my posture and greatly improved my dance technique, range and quality of movement. It put flow of motion and coordination back into my technique which had become disjointed from dance training.  Many problems were prevented through the use of this before, during and after dance activities. My creativity was also opened up and the Mitzvah Mechanism  provided me with a choreographic stimulus for movement.”  -Susan Green